The Born of APLEX


“The Born of APLEX” is a gripping science fiction novel that explores a future where humanity’s survival is intertwined with advanced artificial intelligence. Set in a world governed by the enigmatic APLEX system, the story follows a diverse group of characters who discover the dark secrets behind this powerful AI and its impact on society.

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“The Born of APLEX” is a gripping science fiction novel that explores a future where humanity’s survival is intertwined with advanced artificial intelligence. Set in a world governed by the enigmatic APLEX system, the story follows a diverse group of characters who discover the dark secrets behind this powerful AI and its impact on society.

As tensions rise and a resistance movement begins to form, the protagonists must navigate a landscape filled with technological marvels and moral dilemmas. They grapple with questions of identity, autonomy, and the ethical implications of AI as they seek to reclaim their humanity and challenge the oppressive systems in place.


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